Everyone deserves a tax advocate

Intuit helps taxpayers navigate every step of their tax return. Intuit, a California-based company, is committed to providing individuals with the tools to quickly and efficiently submit the most accurate tax return possible.

An Asian mother and daughter sit outside under an umbrella, looking at a phone and smiling.
An Asian mother and daughter sit outside under an umbrella, looking at a phone and smiling.

Everyone deserves an advocate that helps keep them and their financial interests front and center during tax season—and afterwards. Intuit is committed to helping low- and middle-income filers maximize their tax refunds. We do that by ensuring eligible filers don’t miss out on important tax credits and deductions like the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC). While millions of households claim these credits, the IRS says many more are eligible but fail to take advantage of them. 

Our TurboTax Live Tax Experts, accessibility tools, and other TurboTax features make filing taxes a breeze, no matter the tax situation. That’s why 113 million taxpayers have filed their taxes with us for free over the last nine years–more than all other tax preparation software companies combined. And, if someone needs more time preparing their taxes, they can use our free TurboTax Easy Extension tool, saving them the hassle of additional forms.  
30% of Americans say they’re reliant on their tax refund to make ends meet in 2023. Intuit knows that tax refunds are often a family’s largest check of the year, with people using refunds to pay down debt, bolster their savings, or cover expenses at a time when economic uncertainty is top of mind.

Today, Intuit proudly serves over 100 million customers. From the single parent next-door, to family farmers, occupational therapists, to everyone in between— taxpayers can rely on Intuit. We know that even honest mistakes can lead to costly fines and penalties and we are proud to be that advocate for everyday people so they feel confident during Tax Season and beyond. We go through over 6,000+ pages of federal tax code so you don’t have to. We also provide taxpayers with cutting-edge products, tax experts, and smart AI tools. Intuit’s features–which include a self-employed expense estimator, crypto tax calculator, charitable deductions calculator, and tax refund estimator–save customers time and money.

It’s important to empower taxpayers to better understand their taxes and take charge of their personal finances. We heard from California TurboTax customer, Antonia, about her experience filing taxes with TurboTax.

Antonia is an occupational therapist and TurboTax customer with a visual disability that makes reading fine print difficult. Thanks to TurboTax’s accessibility features, Antonia says the platform goes “above and beyond my expectations… [and] is accessible to everyone, no matter what.”

She recommends TurboTax and its trusted tax experts, which provide “easy-to-understand explanations under each step, so I know I’m getting the best possible return.” Life is busy enough–Intuit strives to help individuals easily navigate their finances by simplifying the complicated.

Our core mission is to provide easy-to-understand tax and financial guidance to all individuals from all walks of life who are seeking peace of mind in their financial lives. And we do this with one objective: to make the complicated, simple.