
Do I Need to Register for GST in Singapore?

As a business owner in Singapore, understanding the ins and outs of Goods and Services Tax (GST) registration is crucial. Whether you’re approaching the S$1 million turnover mark or considering voluntary registration, navigating the GST landscape requires clarity and foresight.

What is GST Registration?

GST registration entails several key responsibilities and benefits for businesses operating in Singapore. Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Output Tax: Registered businesses must charge GST on goods and services sold locally, known as Output Tax.
  • Input Tax: You can claim back GST paid on business purchases, reducing your overall tax liability.
  • Filing GST Returns: Businesses file GST returns for each prescribed accounting period, ensuring compliance with IRAS regulations.

Compulsory GST Registration

Under Singapore law, businesses must register for GST if their taxable turnover meets specific criteria:

  1. Retrospective View: If your taxable turnover exceeds S$1 million at the end of the calendar year, compulsory registration is triggered.
  2. Prospective View: If you anticipate your taxable turnover to surpass S$1 million in the next 12 months, registration becomes mandatory.

Pros of Voluntary GST Registration

Even if your business turnover falls below the compulsory registration threshold, opting for voluntary registration can offer notable advantages. Here are some factors to contemplate:

  1. Recovering Input Tax: Voluntarily registered businesses can reclaim GST paid on purchases from GST-registered suppliers, enhancing cost savings.
  2. Selling to GST-Registered Customers: Registered businesses can charge GST to GST-registered customers, potentially increasing revenue and profit margins.
  3. International Sales: GST registration facilitates zero-rated exports, allowing businesses to claim input tax credits and improve cash flow.

Considerations of Voluntary Registration

Several considerations can influence your decision to opt for voluntary GST registration:

  1. Bookkeeping Process: Ensure your business maintains proper accounting practices to meet GST filing requirements promptly.
  2. GST Audit: Understand the implications of potential GST audits and ensure compliance with IRAS regulations.
  3. Supplier and Customer Profile: Evaluate whether your suppliers and customers are GST-registered, impacting your business’s financial dynamics.
  4. Cashflow Management: Assess your company’s cashflow capability to settle GST payments before receiving sales proceeds.
  5. Minimum Registration Period: Voluntary GST registration commits your business to a minimum registration period of two years.

Commercial Property Holding Companies and Online Businesses

For certain businesses like commercial property holding companies and online ventures, GST registration can yield significant benefits. From reducing overall purchase prices to enhancing competitiveness in the market, strategic registration decisions can align with your business goals.


While compulsory registration thresholds exist, voluntary registration offers some tangible benefits, from cost savings to enhanced business credibility. By weighing the factors outlined and seeking expert advice, you can navigate the complexities of GST registration and compliance effectively.

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Here are some articles you might find helpful:

GST registration guide

Corporate tax filing 

Record keeping requirements 

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