
Why You Should Consider Outsourcing Your Office Support

Why You Should Consider Outsourcing Your Company Secretary

Office support functions are essential to keeping any business running smoothly. These tasks are often time-consuming and require specific skills that not everyone is qualified for, such as administrative assistant work, bookkeeping, payroll management and IT support. With so many responsibilities on your plate as the owner or manager of your business, it can feel like you are drowning in paperwork and admin tasks on a daily basis.

Instead of letting your company slowly suffocate under the weight of these secondary responsibilities, you should look into outsourcing your office support needs. These are much more crucial if you plan to start an online business in this digital age.

Outsourcing your company’s small admin tasks by contracting corporate secretarial services in Singapore can be a win-win situation. In exchange for a monthly payment from you, they can perform the task so that you don’t have to. Here are some reasons why outsourcing your office support could be beneficial for your business:

1. You’ll free up your own time to focus on what matters

When you manage everything in-house, you are not just managing your employees but their expectations, requests, and communication.

As you expand your business, you will need to add more employees to your payroll. This means more management, training, and communication across departments. You will quickly realise that the more people you hire, the more work you will have on your plate – and the more work you have, the less time you have to focus on your core responsibilities.

In the early stages of a company, it’s essential to recognise where your weaknesses are and then build a strong management team around them. Outsourcing your tasks can help you narrow down your weaknesses and direct your attention to the areas that matter the most.

2. Your employees can be fully focused on their core responsibilities

Depending on the type of business you are in, you may be in the process of hiring a few key employees for your management team. When you outsource tasks, you are bringing in an outside team that is not involved in your core business—so they can focus their attention on what matters most to your company. This allows your core employees to maintain their full attention on the responsibilities that matter most to the company.

When you are starting out, it can be tempting to hire an in-house team of office support specialists to work directly with your employees on what they need help with. However, this can lead to communication issues and a lack of focus on your core responsibilities. Outsourcing your office support allows you to bring in outside specialists who are not involved in your core business and can therefore focus entirely on their tasks.

3. You’ll find more skilled professionals for your company

Depending on the work you are outsourcing, you will likely be able to find professionals with years of experience that specialise in your field. There are several outsourcing companies that specialise in everything from IT support to administrative support and more.

When you outsource specific tasks to these companies, they can bring in qualified employees to handle these responsibilities full-time. This means you will have access to a number of skill sets that you otherwise might not have had if you were hiring for those positions in-house.

4. Outsourcing is a way to test out new departments before hiring full-time employees

As you expand your business and hire new employees, you will want to ensure you are bringing on the right people for the right positions. Depending on your company, you may want to bring on a full-time office support team that includes administrative assistants and IT specialists.

However, you may want to first test out a few outsourced specialists before bringing them on full-time. This gives you the opportunity to test out new departments and make sure they are the right fit for your company. In the event that they are not a good fit, you can simply end the outsourcing relationship without having to go through the expensive process of terminating them and employing new personnel.

5. Office support is one of the most important factors for employee satisfaction and retention

One of the key variables in employee satisfaction and retention is office support. If you manage these responsibilities in-house, you risk straining your relationships with your staff and making them feel overworked. This could result in dissatisfied personnel and a higher turnover rate.

When you outsource your tasks, you are bringing in outside experts to assist you and your staff. This can contribute to a more efficient work environment and happier employees. You will also gain access to specialists who can work effectively with your employees on the tasks they need help with, instead of taking up their time with tasks they are not trained in.


Consider outsourcing your tasks if you need help getting your business off the ground. When you take the time to identify your weaknesses and find the right outsourcing partner to take care of your office support needs, you can create a more efficient and happier environment for your employees. Moreover, you will be able to save time, energy, and resources on non-essential aspects of your core business.

At Counto, we ensure that you have the necessary tools to run your business seamlessly. We aim to help your company expand and flourish in the marketplace by providing you with a set of reliable and efficient corporate secretarial services, backed by AI-powered technology that works towards the efficient functioning of your company.

In addition to these services, Counto also provides tax preparation, bookkeeping, and accounting services for small businesses in Singapore. With our AI-powered platform in place, you will have access to real-time data analytics and insights about your business to make data-driven decisions and achieve your business goals. Reach out to us today to learn more about our solutions and how they can support your business.

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